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Text File | 1997-02-16 | 45.8 KB | 1,516 lines |
- Application.mui/Application.mui
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Active
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Author
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Base
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Broker
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_BrokerHook
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_BrokerPort
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_BrokerPri
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Commands
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Copyright
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Description
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_DiskObject
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_DoubleStart
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_DropObject
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_ForceQuit
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_HelpFile
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Iconified
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Menu
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_MenuAction
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_MenuHelp
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Menustrip
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_RexxHook
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_RexxMsg
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_RexxString
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_SingleTask
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Sleep
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Title
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_UseCommodities
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_UseRexx
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Version
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Window
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_WindowList
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_AboutMUI
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_AddInputHandler
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_CheckRefresh
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_GetMenuCheck
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_GetMenuState
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_Input
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_InputBuffered
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_Load
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_NewInput
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_OpenConfigWindow
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_PushMethod
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_RemInputHandler
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_ReturnID
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_Save
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_SetConfigItem
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_SetMenuCheck
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_SetMenuState
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_ShowHelp
- Application.mui/Application.mui
- Application class is the master class for all
- MUI applications. It serves as a kind of anchor
- for all input, either coming from the user or
- somewhere from the system, e.g. commodities
- or ARexx messages.
- An application can have any number of sub windows,
- these windows are the children of the application.
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Active
- MUIA_Application_Active -- (V4 ) [ISG], BOOL
- This attribute reflects the state that the user adjusted
- with commodities Exchange. MUI itself doesn't pay any
- attention to it, this is up to you.
- MUIA_Application_Broker
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Author
- MUIA_Application_Author -- (V4 ) [I.G], STRPTR
- Name of the applications author.
- see MUIA_Application_Title
- MUIA_Application_Title, MUIA_Application_Copyright,
- MUIA_Application_Version, MUIA_Application_Description,
- MUIA_Application_Base
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Base
- MUIA_Application_Base -- (V4 ) [I.G], STRPTR
- The basename for an application. This name is used
- for the builtin ARexx port and for some internal
- file management.
- A basename must neither contain spaces nor any
- special characters such as ":/()#?*...".
- When your program is a single task application
- (i.e. MUIA_Application_SingleTask is TRUE), the
- base name will be used without further modification.
- Otherwise, it gets a ".1", ".2", etc. appended,
- depending on how many applications are already
- running. If you need to know the name of your
- ARexx port, you can query the base name attribute
- after the application is created.
- see MUIA_Application_Title
- MUIA_Application_Title, MUIA_Application_Version,
- MUIA_Application_Author, MUIA_Application_Copyright,
- MUIA_Application_Description
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Broker
- MUIA_Application_Broker -- (V4 ) [..G], Broker *
- If you need to attach some additional commodities objects
- to your application (e.g. because you need lots of hotkeys),
- you can obtain a pointer to the applications Broker structure
- and add some commodities objects.
- MUI will free the complete broker when the application is
- disposed, no need for you to free your objects yourself.
- To receive input from your objects, you will also need to
- install a MUIA_Application_BrokerHook.
- You must be prepared to receive a NULL pointer. In this
- case, the commodities interface is not available, maybe
- because the user installed a light version of MUI.
- MUIA_Application_BrokerHook
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_BrokerHook
- MUIA_Application_BrokerHook -- (V4 ) [ISG], struct Hook *
- You specify a pointer to hook structure. The function
- will be called whenever a commodities message arrives
- (between MUI's GetMsg() and ReplyMsg()).
- You receive a pointer to the application object
- as object in a2 and a pointer to commodities
- CxMsg message in a1.
- The commodities interface isn't available in the
- memory saving "light" version of MUI. Your hook
- will never be called in this case.
- MUIA_Application_Broker
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_BrokerPort
- MUIA_Application_BrokerPort -- (V6 ) [..G], struct MsgPort *
- Get a pointer to the applications commodities message port.
- If you want to add own Hotkeys to your application, you
- need a message port. Instead of creating your own, you
- should better use this one.
- You must be prepared to receive a NULL pointer. In this
- case, the commodities interface is not available, maybe
- because the user installed a light version of MUI.
- MUIA_Application_BrokerHook
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_BrokerPri
- MUIA_Application_BrokerPri -- (V6 ) [I.G], LONG
- Adjust the priority of an applications broker.
- MUIA_Application_BrokerHook
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Commands
- MUIA_Application_Commands -- (V4 ) [ISG], struct MUI_Command *
- This attribute allows an application to include
- its own set of ARexx commands. You specify a
- pointer to an array of MUI_Command structures,
- which look like this:
- struct MUI_Command
- {
- char *mc_Name;
- char *mc_Template;
- LONG mc_Parameters;
- struct Hook *mc_Hook;
- LONG mc_Reserved[5];
- };
- mc_Name contains the name of your command.
- Commands are not case sensitive.
- mc_Template is an argument template that follows
- the same rules as dos.library/ReadArgs().
- It may be NULL, in which case your command
- doesn't need any parameters.
- mc_Parameters is the number of parameters specified
- in the template array.
- mc_Hook is a pointer to the callback hook defining
- the function to be called.
- You may specify any number of MUI_Command structures,
- but you must terminate your array with a NULL field.
- When a command shows up an applications ARexx port,
- MUI parses the arguments according to the given
- template and calls the hook with the application
- object as hook object in a2 and a pointer to
- an array of longwords containing the parameters
- in a1.
- The result code of your hook will be replied to
- ARexx as rc.
- If you have some simple ARexx commands that just
- emulate some user action (e.g. clicking a button),
- you can use the magic cookie MC_TEMPLATE_ID for
- mc_Template and a return id value for mc_Parameters.
- In this case, MUI will do no argument parsing and
- instead simply return the specified id value on the
- next call to MUIM_Application_Input.
- For more sophisticated possibilities in ARexx
- callback hooks, please refer to
- MUIA_Application_RexxMsg and MUIA_Application_RexxString.
- static struct MUI_Command commands[] =
- {
- { "rescan", MC_TEMPLATE_ID, ID_RESCAN, NULL },
- { "select", "PATTERN/A" , 1 , &selhook },
- };
- MUIA_Application_RexxMsg, MUIA_Application_RexxString
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Copyright
- MUIA_Application_Copyright -- (V4 ) [I.G], STRPTR
- A copyright string, containing the year and the
- company.
- see MUIA_Application_Title
- MUIA_Application_Title, MUIA_Application_Version,
- MUIA_Application_Author, MUIA_Application_Description,
- MUIA_Application_Base
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Description
- MUIA_Application_Description -- (V4 ) [I.G], STRPTR
- Short description, about 40 characters.
- Shown e.g. in commodities exchange.
- see MUIA_Application_Title
- MUIA_Application_Title, MUIA_Application_Version,
- MUIA_Application_Author, MUIA_Application_Copyright,
- MUIA_Application_Base
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_DiskObject
- MUIA_Application_DiskObject -- (V4 ) [ISG], struct DiskObject *
- Pointer to a struct DiskObject, e.g. obtained
- from GetDiskObject(). If present, MUI will use
- this object for the AppIcon when your application
- gets iconified.
- Otherwise MUI will try to locate "env:sys/dev_mui.info"
- and, if not present, fall back to a default icon.
- ...
- MUIA_Application_DiskObject,
- dobj = GetDiskObject("PROGDIR:MyApp"),
- ...
- /* note that you have to free dobj yourself! */
- MUIA_Application_Iconified
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_DoubleStart
- MUIA_Application_DoubleStart -- (V4 ) [..G], BOOL
- This attribute is set automatically when the user
- tries to start a MUIA_Application_SingleTask application
- twice. You can react on this and take appropriate actions,
- e.g. pop up a requester or quit yourself.
- MUIA_Application_SingleTask
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_DropObject
- MUIA_Application_DropObject -- (V5 ) [IS.], Object *
- If your application is iconified and the user drops
- icons onto the AppIcon, the object specified here will
- receive the AppMessage.
- MUIA_Window_AppWindow, MUIM_CallHook
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_ForceQuit
- MUIA_Application_ForceQuit -- (V8 ) [..G], BOOL
- When your input loop receives a MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit,
- you should query this attribute. In case its TRUE, your program
- should exit quietly without popping up any safety requesters or
- other stuff.
- MUI will e.g. set this if the user issued a "QUIT FORCE" ARexx
- command to your application.
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_HelpFile
- MUIA_Application_HelpFile -- (V8 ) [ISG], STRPTR
- This attribute allows defining an AmigaGuide style file
- to be displayed when the user requests online help.
- When the HELP button is pressed and the application
- defines a MUIA_Application_HelpFile, MUI tries to obtain
- MUIA_HelpNode from the current object (the one under
- the mouse pointer). If MUIA_HelpNode is not defined,
- MUI continues asking the parent object for this
- attribute (usually a group, but remember: the parent
- of a windows root object is the window itself, the
- parent of a window is the application).
- When a non NULL MUIA_HelpNode is found, the same procedure
- is applied to MUIA_HelpLine. Then MUI puts the application
- to sleep and displays the file at the position specified
- with MUIA_HelpNode and/or MUIA_HelpLine.
- This behaviour allows you to define one
- MUIA_Application_HelpFile for your application object
- and different help nodes and lines for your applications
- windows and/or gadgets.
- ApplicationObject,
- ...
- MUIA_Application_HelpFile, "progdir:myapp.guide",
- ...,
- SubWindow, WindowObject,
- MUIA_Window_Title, "Prefs Window",
- ...,
- MUIA_HelpNode, "prefs-section",
- ...,
- End,
- SubWindow, WindowObject,
- MUIA_Window_Title, "Play Window",
- ...
- MUIA_HelpNode, "play-section",
- ...
- WindowContents, VGroup,
- ...,
- Child, StringObject,
- MUIA_HelpNode, "play-string",
- ...,
- End,
- End,
- End,
- End;
- In this case, the user will get the prefs-section chapter
- of "myapp.guide" when he requests help in the Prefs window,
- the play-string chapter when he requests help over the
- string gadget in the Play window or the play-section
- chapter somewhere else in the Play window.
- Since muimaster.library V8, this attribute replaces the old
- and obsolete MUIA_HelpFile attribute. MUI no longer supports
- the possibility to specify different help files for different
- parts of your application. This step was necessary due to
- some other internal changes and enhancements.
- MUIA_HelpNode, MUIA_HelpLine
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Iconified
- MUIA_Application_Iconified -- (V4 ) [.SG], BOOL
- Setting this attribute to TRUE causes the application
- to become iconified. Every open window will be closed
- and a (configurable) AppIcon will appear on the workbench.
- Same thing happens when the user hits the iconify gadget
- in the window border or uses commodities Exchange to
- hide your applications interface.
- There is no way for you to prevent your application from
- being iconified. However, you can react on the iconification
- by listening to the MUIA_Application_Iconified attribute
- with notification. This allows you to free some resources
- you don't need in iconified state.
- When an application is iconified and you try to open a
- window, the window won't open immediately. Instead MUI
- remembers this action and opens the window once the
- application is uniconified again.
- /* inform the main input loop of iconification events */
- #define ID_HIDE 42
- #define ID_SHOW 24
- DoMethod(app,MUIM_Notify,
- MUIA_Application_Iconified, TRUE,
- app, 2, MUIM_Application_ReturnID, ID_HIDE);
- DoMethod(app,MUIM_Notify,
- MUIA_Application_Iconified, FALSE,
- app, 2, MUIM_Application_ReturnID, ID_SHOW);
- MUIA_Application_DiskObject
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Menu
- MUIA_Application_Menu -- (V4 ) [I.G], struct NewMenu * (OBSOLETE)
- Obsolete, use MUIA_Application_Menustrip instead.
- MUIA_Application_Menustrip
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_MenuAction
- MUIA_Application_MenuAction -- (V4 ) [..G], ULONG
- Whenever a menu item is selected, this attribute will be
- set to the corresponding UserData field of the gadtools
- NewMenu structure. This allows reacting on menu items
- via broadcasting.
- MUIA_Application_Menu, MUIA_Application_MenuAction
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_MenuHelp
- MUIA_Application_MenuHelp -- (V4 ) [..G], ULONG
- Whenever a menu item is selected with the help key, this
- attribute will be set to the corresponding UserData field
- of the gadtools NewMenu structure. Together with
- MUIM_Application_ShowHelp this allows creation of
- menu help texts.
- MUIA_Application_Menu, MUIA_Application_ShowHelp
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Menustrip
- MUIA_Application_Menustrip -- (V8 ) [I..], Object *
- Specify a menu strip object for the application. The object
- is treated as a child of the application and will be disposed
- when the application is disposed.
- Menustrip objects defined for the application are used
- as menu for every window of the application, as long as
- the window doesn't define its private menu.
- MUIA_Application_Menustrip replaces the old and obsolete
- MUIA_Application_Menu tag.
- Usually, you will create the menu object with MUI's builtin
- object library from a gadtools NewMenu structure, but its
- also OK to define the menu tree "by hand" using the
- Family class.
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_RexxHook
- MUIA_Application_RexxHook -- (V7 ) [ISG], struct Hook *
- When specified, MUI calls this hook whenever a rexx message
- arrives and MUI can't map it to a builtin or a programmer
- specified command. The hook will be called with a pointer
- to itself in A0, a pointer to the application object in A2
- and a pointer to a struct RexxMsg in A1.
- The return code from the hook is used as result code
- when replying the message, the secondary result can
- be set with MUIA_Application_RexxString.
- MUIA_Application_Commands
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_RexxMsg
- MUIA_Application_RexxMsg -- (V4 ) [..G], struct RxMsg *
- Within an ARexx callback hook, you can obtain
- a pointer to the RexxMsg that came with the
- command. This allows you to use some ARexx
- support functions coming with amiga.lib
- MUIA_Application_Commands, MUIA_Application_RexxString
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_RexxString
- MUIA_Application_RexxString -- (V4 ) [.S.], STRPTR
- ARexx allows returning a string as result of a
- function call. This attribute allows setting the
- result string within an ARexx callback hook.
- The string is temporarily copied.
- MUIA_Application_Commands, MUIA_Application_RexxMsg
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_SingleTask
- MUIA_Application_SingleTask -- (V4 ) [I..], BOOL
- Boolean value to indicate whether or not your application
- is a single task program. When set to TRUE, MUI will
- refuse to create more than one application object.
- In this case, the already running application gets its
- MUIA_Application_DoubleStart attribute set to TRUE. You
- can listen to this and take appropriate actions, e.g.
- pop up a requester.
- Examples for single task applications are the system
- preferences program. It doesn't make sense for them
- to run more than once.
- MUIA_Application_DoubleStart
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Sleep
- MUIA_Application_Sleep -- (V4 ) [.S.], BOOL
- This attribute can be used to put a whole application
- to sleep. All open windows get disabled and a busy
- pointer appears.
- This attribute contains a nesting count, if you tell
- your application to sleep twice, you will have to tell
- it to wake up twice too.
- If you need to do some time consuming actions, you
- always should set this attribute to inform the user
- that you are currently unable to handle input.
- A sleeping application's windows cannot be resized.
- set(app,MUIA_Application_Sleep,TRUE ); // go to bed
- calc_fractals();
- set(app,MUIA_Application_Sleep,FALSE); // wake up
- MUIA_Window_Sleep, MUIM_Application_InputBuffered
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Title
- MUIA_Application_Title -- (V4 ) [I.G], STRPTR
- This tag defines the title of an application.
- The title is e.g. shown in Commodities Exchange
- or in the MUI preferences program.
- An application title shall not contain any version
- information, just the pure title. Also, special
- characters such as ":/()#?*..." are not allowed.
- You should use a quiet long and unique name for
- your applications. Naming it "Viewer" or "Browser"
- is not a wise choice.
- The length of the name must not exceed 30 characters!
- ApplicationObject,
- MUIA_Application_Title , "WbMan",
- MUIA_Application_Version , "$VER: WbMan 0.24 (19.7.93)",
- MUIA_Application_Copyright , "© 1993 by Klaus Melchior",
- MUIA_Application_Author , "Klaus Melchior",
- MUIA_Application_Description, "Manages the WBStartup.",
- MUIA_Application_Base , "WBMAN",
- ...
- MUIA_Application_Version, MUIA_Application_Copyright,
- MUIA_Application_Author, MUIA_Application_Description,
- MUIA_Application_Base
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_UseCommodities
- MUIA_Application_UseCommodities -- (V10) [I..], BOOL
- When set to FALSE, the application will run without a
- commodities interface. Think very well before using this
- tag!
- MUIA_Application_UseRexx
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_UseRexx
- MUIA_Application_UseRexx -- (V10) [I..], BOOL
- When set to FALSE, the application will run without an
- ARexx interface. Think very well before using this
- tag!
- MUIA_Application_UseCommodities
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Version
- MUIA_Application_Version -- (V4 ) [I.G], STRPTR
- Define a version string for an application.
- This string shall follow standard version string
- convetions but must *not* contain a leading "\0".
- see MUIA_Application_Title
- MUIA_Application_Title, MUIA_Application_Copyright,
- MUIA_Application_Author, MUIA_Application_Description,
- MUIA_Application_Base
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_Window
- MUIA_Application_Window -- (V4 ) [I..], Object *
- A pointer to a MUI object of Window class. An
- application may have any number of sub windows,
- each of them being a child of the application.
- When the application receives some kind of user
- input through its IDCMP, it diverts the message
- down to its children, as long as they are opened.
- Things like iconification or preferences changes
- cause the application object to temporarily close
- every open window (and reopen it later). Your
- main program normally doesn't need to deal with
- these things.
- As with the children of group class, it's common
- to use a call to MUI_NewObject() as value for
- this attribute. No error checking needs to be
- done, the application object handles every
- failure automatically.
- When you dispose your application, its sub windows
- will also get deleted. Thus, the only thing to do
- to remove your application is a
- MUI_DisposeObject(ApplicationObject);
- Every window, every gadget, every memory will be
- freed by this single call.
- Please refer to one of the example programs.
- Application.mui/MUIA_Application_WindowList
- MUIA_Application_WindowList -- (V13) [..G], struct List *
- This attribute returns a pointer to the exec list structure
- which contains the children (i.e. windows) of an application.
- Parse this with intuition.library/NextObject()!
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_AboutMUI
- MUIM_Application_AboutMUI (V14)
- DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_AboutMUI,Object *refwindow);
- Show the MUI about window. Please include that in all your
- applications and link with a menu item called "About MUI...".
- - refwindow: pointer to a window object as reference. If !=NULL,
- the MUI about window is centered according to this window. Note
- that this points to a MUI window object, not to a struct window.
- DoMethod((Object *)DoMethod(strip,MUIM_FindUData,MEN_ABOUT),
- MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Menuitem_Trigger,MUIV_EveryTime,
- MUIV_Notify_Application,2,MUIM_Application_AboutMUI,mywinobj);
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_AddInputHandler
- MUIM_Application_AddInputHandler (V11)
- DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_AddInputHandler,struct MUI_InputHandlerNode *ihnode);
- Up to MUI 2.3, it was not easy to build custom classes which
- should react on signals of private message ports. For example,
- a clock class would want to be notified every second to update
- its display. Old versions of MUI forced you to Wait() for
- a timer signal in the main loop and notify the custom class.
- Since MUI 3, the existance of so called "input handlers"
- (don't mix up with input.device input handler) eliminates
- the need of dealing with the main loop in these cases.
- A class can create message ports and react on their
- signals on its own without interferring the main program.
- For a clock class, this would mean that you simply create
- the object into any MUI window and it starts updating
- itself every second automatically. A game class could open
- the gameport.device and react on joystick messages, an
- html class could talk to network ports all on its own.
- All this helps to further encapsulate your program into
- subclasses and make it a lot more easy to maintain. Let
- me repeat the main loop of an ideal MUI application here:
- ULONG sigs = 0;
- while (DoMethod(app,MUIM_Application_NewInput,&sigs)
- != MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit)
- {
- if (sigs)
- {
- sigs = Wait(sigs | SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C);
- if (sigs & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C) break;
- }
- }
- To be able to react on signals, you must fill out a
- MUI_InputHandlerNode structure (probably located in
- your classes instance data) and call
- MUIM_Application_AddInputHandler with the structure
- as parameter. From now on, your class will receive
- the specified method whenever one of the given signals
- arrives.
- Since we're talking about a method of application
- class here, it's clear that you cannot call it until
- you know about your application object. Good places
- for MUIM_Application_AddInputHandler/RemInputHandler
- are probably the MUIM_Setup/MUIM_Cleanup methods
- of your class.
- ihnode - Pointer to an initialized MUI_InputHandlerNode
- structure:
- ihn_Object - fill in a pointer to your object.
- ihn_Signals - signals you wish to be notified on.
- You can set more than one bit here.
- ihn_Flags - always set to 0 for now.
- ihn_Method - method that you want to receive
- when one of ihn_Signals is set.
- MUIM_Application_AddInputHandler cannot fail, the result
- value of the method is currently undefined.
- You must match each AddInputHandler with exatly
- one RemInputHandler method. Do not add a
- MUI_InputHandlerNode which is currently in use.
- IMPORTANT: Your trigger method might also be
- called when none of your signals arrived. You *must*
- make sure that you check your conditions in
- the trigger method (if (GetMsg(port) ... or
- if (CheckIO(req)) ...). Also, please make these
- checks quick and return FALSE as fast as possible
- when none of your conditions was met. Return TRUE
- if you have "used" the trigger method.
- Since muimaster.library V13, MUIs application class
- implements a builtin timer. By using this one instead
- of creating your own IO requests, you avoid the problem
- of having each instance of your object allocating a
- signal bit.
- To make use of this timer, use the above described procedure
- of initializing and adding your MUI_InputHandlerNode structure,
- but set the MUIIHNF_TIMER in ihn_Flags. Furthermore, specify
- the number of milliseconds after which you want to receive your
- method in ihn_Millis. Note that ihn_Millis is in fact part of a
- union placed at the same memory location as ihn_Signals, do not
- use ihn_Signals when MUIIHNF_TIMER is set.
- Besides from MUIIHNF_TIMER and ihn_Millis instead of ihn_Signals,
- using the timer is similiar to other input handlers. Removing
- with MUIM_Application_RemInputHandler is not different at all.
- data->port = CreateMsgPort();
- data->req = CreateIORequest(data->port,sizeof(struct timer));
- OpenDevice(TIMERNAME,UNIT_VBLANK,(struct IORequest *)data->req,0);
- data->ihnode.ihn_Object = obj;
- data->ihnode.ihn_Signals = IO_SIGMASK(data->req);
- data->ihnode.ihn_Flags = 0;
- data->ihnode.ihn_Method = MY_TRIGGER_METHOD;
- CloseDevice((struct IORequest *)data->req);
- DeleteIORequest(data->req);
- DeleteMsgPort(data->port);
- MUIM_Setup:
- data->req->tr_node.io_Command = TR_ADDREQUEST;
- data->req->tr_time.tv_secs = 1;
- data->req->tr_time.tv_micro = 0;
- SendIO((struct IORequest *)data->req);
- DoMethod(_app(obj),MUIM_Application_AddInputHandler,&data->ihnode);
- MUIM_Cleanup:
- DoMethod(_app(obj),MUIM_Application_RemInputHandler,&data->ihnode);
- if (!CheckIO(data->req)) AbortIO(data->req);
- WaitIO(data->req);
- if (CheckIO(data->req))
- {
- WaitIO(data->req);
- /* update display or do anything else here ... */
- /* send a new timer event */
- data->req->tr_node.io_Command = TR_ADDREQUEST;
- data->req->tr_time.tv_secs = 1;
- data->req->tr_time.tv_micro = 0;
- SendIO((struct IORequest *)data->req);
- return(TRUE);
- }
- return(FALSE);
- MUIM_Application_RemInputHandler, MUIM_Application_Input
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_CheckRefresh
- MUIM_Application_CheckRefresh (V11)
- DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_CheckRefresh,);
- This method checks all currently open windows if they
- need refreshing and refreshes them if necessary.
- You won't need to call this method if you are within
- your traditional MUI main loop. However, if you e.g.
- spawn some kind of synchronous requester (AslRequest),
- MUI cannot react on IDCMP_REFRESHWINDOW messages.
- The result is that the user may see a damaged MUI window
- if he moves around a file requester and MUI is configured
- for simple refresh.
- MUIA_Application_CheckRefresh is the solution for this
- problem. Just open your requesters with
- ASLFR_UserData , ApplicationObject,
- ASLFR_IntuiMsgFunc, &IntuiMsgHook,
- and let IntuiMsgHook point to something like this:
- _a1 struct IntuiMessage *imsg,
- _a2 struct FileRequester *req)
- {
- if (imsg->Class==IDCMP_REFRESHWINDOW)
- DoMethod(req->fr_UserData,MUIM_Application_CheckRefresh);
- }
- Windows with damage will be refreshed. This may result in
- MUI calling MUIM_Draw of some of your custom classes.
- The result value of this method is undefined.
- MUIM_Application_InputBuffered
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_GetMenuCheck
- MUIM_Application_GetMenuCheck (V4 ) (OBSOLETE)
- DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_GetMenuCheck,ULONG MenuID);
- Ask whether a checkmark menu item has its checkmark
- set or cleared.
- The application will ask its sub windows for a
- menu item with the given id and return the state of
- the first item it finds.
- MenuID - the value you wrote into the
- UserData field of struct NewMenu.
- MUIM_Application_SetMenuCheck, MUIA_Application_Menu
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_GetMenuState
- MUIM_Application_GetMenuState (V4 ) (OBSOLETE)
- DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_GetMenuState,ULONG MenuID);
- Ask whether a menu item is enabled or disabled.
- The application will ask its sub windows for a
- menu item with the given id and return the state of
- the first item it finds.
- MenuID - the value you wrote into the
- UserData field of struct NewMenu.
- MUIM_Application_SetMenuState, MUIA_Application_Menu
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_Input
- MUIM_Application_Input (V4 ) (OBSOLETE)
- DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_Input,LONGBITS *signal);
- The MUI system itself does not wait for any user input.
- It just tells your application which signal bits it
- has allocated, then it's up to you to call MUIs input
- handle function when one of these signals gets set.
- In a simple MUI application you would just Wait()
- for these signals and call MUI when one is received.
- However, you can perfectly allocate some signal bits
- yourself and include them in your Wait() command.
- You needn't even Wait(), your application could
- maybe calculate some fractal graphics or copy
- disks, the only important thing is that you call
- MUI's input method when one of the MUI allocated
- signals arrives.
- The usual way of communication with your user
- interface is via return ids. Every action happening
- to the GUI can create return ids, e.g. pressing a
- button or trying to close a window. MUI buffers these
- ids and uses them as result codes for the input method.
- Thats where you can get it from and take the appropriate
- actions.
- Now lets have a look on a usual input loop of a
- MUI application. Imagine you have an Play and a
- Cancel button and have previously told them
- to return ID_PLAY and ID_CANCEL when pressed.
- (see MUIM_Notify and MUIM_Application_ReturnID
- on information about these topics). Your input
- loop would look like this:
- while (running)
- {
- ULONG signals;
- switch (DoMethod(app,MUIM_Application_Input,&signals))
- {
- case ID_PLAY:
- PlaySound();
- break;
- case ID_CANCEL:
- case MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit:
- running = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- if (running && signals) Wait(signals);
- }
- So what is happening here?
- First, you have to call the MUIM_Application_Input method.
- You supply the address of a ULONG as parameter, thats
- where MUI fills in the signals it needs. Note that you can
- call the input method at any time, regardless of signal
- setting. MUI will simply return when there is nothing
- to do.
- In case the user pressed the Play or the Cancel button,
- MUIM_Application_Input will return ID_PLAY or ID_CANCEL.
- Otherwise you will receive a 0, that's why you cannot
- use 0 as one of your id values.
- There is one predefined id called
- MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit. This will be sent to you
- when someone tried to quit your application from outside,
- e.g. via commodities exchange or the ARexx "quit" command.
- It is required that your application handles this id,
- just treat as if the user clicked on a "Quit" button or
- selected a "Quit" menu item.
- After handling the return value, you have to examine
- if MUI wants you to wait for any signals. If this
- is the case (signals != 0), just wait for it. If
- MUI puts a 0 into signals it wants to tell you to
- immediately call the input method again, maybe some
- other return ids have received and need to be handled.
- You *must* check this because Wait()ing on a zero
- signal mask is not a good idea!
- Note: It is very important that you call the input method
- whenever a signal arrives. MUI needs this to correctly
- refresh its windows, handle resizing and iconification
- operations and commodities and ARexx messages. If you
- don't, you will annoy your user!
- If your program needs to be in a state where you are
- for some reasons unable to call the input method for
- a considerable amount of time (maybe half a second or
- more), you should put your application to sleep. See
- MUIA_Application_Sleep on how to do this.
- MUIA_Application_Sleep, MUIM_Application_InputBuffered,
- MUIM_Application_NewInput
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_InputBuffered
- MUIM_Application_InputBuffered (V4 )
- DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_InputBuffered,);
- Imagine your application does some time consuming
- operation, e.g. copying a disk, and you are for
- some reasons unable to react on return ids during
- this period. One solution would be to simply
- put your application to sleep, it will get a
- busy pointer and the user knows whats going on.
- However, this will make it impossible for the user
- to resize your applications windows or iconify it,
- he will have to wait until you are done with your
- operation.
- MUIM_Application_InputBuffered offers a solution
- for this problem. Using this method, you needn't
- set to sleep your application. Just call it on a
- regular basis and MUI will be able to handle
- all actions concerning the GUI. You do not need
- to pay attention on return values, they remain
- on an internal stack until your next call to
- the non buffered input method.
- for (track=0; track<80; track++)
- {
- read_track();
- DoMethod(app,MUIM_Application_InputBuffered);
- write_track();
- DoMethod(app,MUIM_Application_InputBuffered);
- }
- MUIM_Application_Input, MUIA_Application_Sleep
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_Load
- MUIM_Application_Load (V4 )
- DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_Load,STRPTR name);
- MUIM_Application_Save, MUIM_Application_Load and
- MUIA_ObjectID offer an easy way of saving and loading
- a programs configuration.
- Each gadget with a non NULL MUIA_ObjectID will get
- its contents saved during MUIM_Application_Save and
- restored during MUIM_Application_Load. This makes
- it very easy to design a configuration window
- with "Save", "Use" and "Cancel" buttons to allow
- the user storing the settings. When the application
- starts, you would just have to call MUIM_Application_Load
- and the stored settings will be read and installed.
- Not all classes are able to import and export their
- contents. Currently, you may define a MUIA_ObjectID for
- String class - MUIA_String_Contents is ex/imported.
- Radio class - MUIA_Radio_Active is ex/imported.
- Cycle class - MUIA_Cycle_Active is ex/imported.
- List class - MUIA_List_Active is /ex/imported.
- Text class - MUIA_Text_Contents is ex/imported.
- Numeric class - MUIA_Numeric_Value is ex/imported.
- Area class - MUIA_Selected is ex/imported
- (e.g. for Checkmark gadgets)
- Menuitem class - MUIA_Menuitem_Checked is ex/imported (V9).
- Group class - MUIA_Group_ActivePage is ex/imported (V8).
- name - Name of the file you wish to load the settings from.
- Usually you won't need to think of a real name but
- instead use one of the magic cookies
- MUIV_Application_Load_ENV or
- MUIV_Application_Load_ENVARC.
- see the sample program "Settings.c"
- MUIM_Application_Save, notify.mui/MUIA_ObjectID,
- MUIM_Export, MUIM_Import
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_NewInput
- MUIM_Application_NewInput (V11)
- DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_NewInput,LONGBITS *signal);
- This is an enhanced replacement for MUIM_Application_Input.
- It depends on receiving the return value from your Wait()
- or 0 as input to be able to perform the necessary actions
- more efficient.
- MUIM_Application_NewInput is generally preferrable over
- MUIM_Application_Input.
- /*
- ** This is the ideal input loop for an object oriented MUI
- ** application. Everything is encapsulated in classes, no
- ** return ids need to be used, we just check if the program
- ** shall terminate.
- ** Note that MUIM_Application_NewInput expects sigs to
- ** contain the result from Wait() (or 0). This makes the
- ** input loop significantly faster.
- */
- {
- ULONG sigs = 0;
- while (DoMethod(app,MUIM_Application_NewInput,&sigs)
- !=MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit)
- {
- if (sigs)
- {
- sigs = Wait(sigs | SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C);
- if (sigs & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C) break;
- }
- }
- }
- MUIM_Application_Input
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_OpenConfigWindow
- MUIM_Application_OpenConfigWindow (V11)
- DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_OpenConfigWindow,ULONG flags);
- Since MUI 3, applications can open their own MUI configuration
- window to allow users to adjust the local preferences without
- the need of an external program. Programmers are supposed to
- include a "Settings/MUI..." menu item which simply calls
- MUIM_Application_OpenConfigWindow. MUI will then automatically
- show the preferences window without blocking the rest of the
- program.
- Currently no flags are defined; pass 0 for the time being.
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_PushMethod
- MUIM_Application_PushMethod (V4 )
- DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_PushMethod,Object *dest, LONG count, /* ... */);
- Usually, you may not talk to the MUI system from two
- tasks at the same time. MUIM_Application_PushMethod
- provides some kind of solution for this problem.
- This (and only this) method may be called from a
- second task. It takes another method as parameter
- and puts in onto a private stack of the application
- object. The next time MUIM_Application_Input
- is called, the pushed method will be executed
- in the context of the current task.
- dest - object on which to perform the pushed method.
- count - number of following arguments.
- ... - the destination method.
- TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
- /* set a status line from a sub task */
- DoMethod(app,MUIM_Application_PushMethod,
- txstatus,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Text_Contents,"reading...");
- MUIM_Application_PushMethod has a limit of 7 arguments!
- MUIM_Application_Input
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_RemInputHandler
- MUIM_Application_RemInputHandler (V11)
- DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_RemInputHandler,struct MUI_InputHandlerNode *ihnode);
- Remove an input handler.
- MUI will no longer call your trigger method after you have
- removed the MUI_InputHandlerNode. You can add/remove
- input handler nodes any time as long as you know
- about your application object.
- MUIM_Application_RemInputHandler cannot fail, the result
- value of the method is currently undefined.
- ihnode - input handler node structure you passed to
- MUIM_Application_AddInputHandler previously.
- MUIM_Application_AddInputHandler, MUIM_Application_Input
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_ReturnID
- MUIM_Application_ReturnID (V4 )
- DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_ReturnID,ULONG retid);
- Tell MUI to return the given id with the next call to
- MUIM_Application_Input.
- Together with the MUI's notification mechanism, this
- method connects your user interface and your program.
- If you e.g. want to be informed if the user presses
- a "Play" button, you would have define an id for
- this action and set up a notification event with
- MUIM_Notify.
- You can use any long word as return id, except
- from -255 up to 0. These values are reserved for
- MUI's internal use and for special return values
- like MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit.
- Note that MUI will put all incoming return ids
- onto a private fifo stack and feed this stack
- to its input methods result code later.
- The usage of ReturnIDs is no good MUI programming style.
- You should build your application with sub classes and
- hooks instead! See the PublicScreenManager source code
- for an example of good MUI programming!
- /* inform me if a button is pressed (actually released, */
- /* since this is the way amiga buttons are handled) */
- #define ID_PLAYBUTTON 42
- ...
- DoMethod(buttonobj, MUIM_Notify,
- MUIA_Pressed, FALSE,
- appobj, 2, MUIM_Application_ReturnID, ID_PLAYBUTTON);
- ...
- while (running)
- {
- switch (DoMethod(appobj,MUIM_Application_Input,&sigs))
- {
- printf("Ok, lets play a game...");
- break;
- }
- }
- MUIM_Application_Input, MUIM_Notify
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_Save
- MUIM_Application_Save (V4 )
- DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_Save,STRPTR name);
- MUIM_Application_Save, MUIM_Application_Load and
- MUIA_ObjectID offer an easy way of saving and loading
- a programs configuration.
- Each gadget with a non NULL MUIA_ObjectID will get
- its contents saved during MUIM_Application_Save and
- restored during MUIM_Application_Load. This makes
- it very easy to design a configuration window
- with "Save", "Use" and "Cancel" buttons to allow
- the user storing the settings. When the application
- starts, you would just have to call MUIM_Application_Load
- and the stored settings will be read and installed.
- Not all classes are able to import and export their
- contents. Currently, you may define a MUIA_ObjectID for
- String class - MUIA_String_Contents is ex/imported.
- Radio class - MUIA_Radio_Active is ex/imported.
- Cycle class - MUIA_Cycle_Active is ex/imported.
- List class - MUIA_List_Active is /ex/imported.
- Text class - MUIA_Text_Contents is ex/imported.
- Numeric class - MUIA_Numeric_Value is ex/imported.
- Area class - MUIA_Selected is ex/imported
- (e.g. for Checkmark gadgets)
- Menuitem class - MUIA_Menuitem_Checked is ex/imported (V9).
- Group class - MUIA_Group_ActivePage is ex/imported (V8).
- name - Name of the file you wish to save the settings to.
- Usually you won't need to think of a real name but
- instead use one of the magic cookies
- MUIV_Application_Save_ENV or
- MUIV_Application_Save_ENVARC.
- This will save your application's settings somewhere
- in env:mui/ or envarc:mui/, you needn't worry about
- it.
- see the sample program "Settings.c"
- MUIM_Application_Load, Notify.mui/MUIA_ObjectID
- MUIM_Export, MUIM_Import
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_SetConfigItem
- MUIM_Application_SetConfigItem (V11)
- DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_SetConfigItem,ULONG item, APTR data);
- Private method, only for PSI.
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_SetMenuCheck
- MUIM_Application_SetMenuCheck (V4 ) (OBSOLETE)
- DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_SetMenuCheck,ULONG MenuID, LONG stat);
- Set or clear the checkmark of a menu item.
- The application will ask its sub windows for menu items
- with the given id and set/clear all found
- entries.
- MenuID - the value you wrote into the
- UserData field of struct NewMenu.
- set - TRUE to set checkmark, FALSE to clear
- MUIM_Application_GetMenuCheck, MUIA_Application_Menu,
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_SetMenuState
- MUIM_Application_SetMenuState (V4 ) (OBSOLETE)
- DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_SetMenuState,ULONG MenuID, LONG stat);
- Enable or disable a menu item.
- The application will ask its sub windows for menu items
- with the given id and enable/disable all found
- entries.
- MenuID - the value you wrote into the
- UserData field of struct NewMenu.
- set - TRUE to enable item, FALSE to disable.
- MUIM_Application_GetMenuState, MUIA_Application_Menu,
- Application.mui/MUIM_Application_ShowHelp
- MUIM_Application_ShowHelp (V4 )
- DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Application_ShowHelp,Object *window, char *name, char *node, LONG line);
- Show an AmigaGuide help file. The application will be
- put to sleep until the file is displayed.
- Usually, you don't need to call this method directly.
- MUI comes with a sophisticated online help system,
- you just need to supply your gadgets with help nodes
- and everything will be handled automatically.
- window - (Object *) - Help will appear on this windows
- screen. May be NULL.
- name - (char *) - name of the help file
- node - (char *) - name of a node in this help file
- line - (char *) - line number
- MUIA_HelpFile, MUIA_HelpNode, MUIA_HelpLine